About Sparta UMC
Loving God. Loving Everyone. Following Jesus.
Sparta United Methodist Church is part of the worldwide United Methodist Church. We are a community of faith with a tradition of being welcoming and nurturing to all. Recognizing that people have all varieties of experiences with church, we want you to know you are welcome here just as you are. We believe all persons are created in the image of God and all are of sacred worth. Following Jesus’ example, we seek to offer a safe, grace-filled, healing and transforming place for people to grow and thrive.

Core Beliefs
Sparta United Methodist Church is a part of a worldwide church whose mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We are a body of believers that profess faith in the Triune God - Creator, Savior and Sustainer.
We believe that our faith is best lived out in the world in community with God and with our neighbors.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World and, through his life, death and resurrection, Jesus embodied for the world God’s great love and care for all.
We believe God loves all people and we share in expressing that love with all.
Our tradition places special emphasis on God’s grace, the unconditional and unearned love of God as a means of experiencing God’s love all throughout our lives.
We hold the Holy Bible to be God’s Word given to God’s people. As we read and study scripture, we understand our reason, experience and tradition can aid us in our interpretations of God’s Word.
We believe in the Holy Spirit as God’s Spirit that continues to move in, through and among us, reminding us of Jesus’ ministry and teachings, inspiring us to new ways of living, and sustaining us as we seek to faithfully live and serve in the way of Jesus.
We believe God calls all types of people to serve in ministry in the church, in the community and in the world. In The United Methodist Church we believe both laity and clergy are called to work together to lead God’s people in working for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
Meet The Team
Join Our Team
We currently have an opening for a Sunday morning piano accompanist. If you interest or would like to learn more about the position, please contact the church office.